The Wall Street Journal looks at the rise of alternative currencies:

“The weak dollar. A Federal Reserve constantly being second-guessed. It’s times like these when talk inevitably turns to alternative or complementary currencies. While local currencies have come and gone, many involved in social networks are hoping peer-to-peer (or P2P) virtual currencies will, given the momentum to retool the financial system, have more staying power.”

The article features Hub Culture, a social network of globetrotting adventure-travellers, and its digital currency Ven, which is pegged to the dollar, and allows members of the social network to trade goods and services as well as knowledge; as well as the Attent application by Seriosity, which uses a digital currency called “Serios”.

Read full story
Watch Ven and Serios video (recommended)
Watch Berkshares video

Also look at an earlier Experientia project, called KashKlash.


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