“And now for something entirely different…”

16 Words
Now and then I have to post something that is simply good, but has – at least at first sight – not much to do with the topic of this blog. Allow me.

The first one is 16 words (downloadreview), a hilarious Monty Python like political protest music video by Margo Guryan (an artist whose first album came out in 1968!). The music is great too.

Then there is the Daily Show by Jon Stewart. His “theatre critic” John Oliver brilliantly critiques (select second video) the Democratic failure of seriously addressing the Iraq war quagmire. Just one quote: “It’s the same old, old story: America meets war. America gets war. War turns out to be somewhat different from what America thought it was when it first fell in love with war. But now war won’t leave America alone.”

Finally, and more seriously, there is the eloquent, fiery and hard biting denouncement of George Bush and Dick Cheney by Keith Olbermann, the MSNBC news anchor.

Aside from the political message (that you may or may not agree with), it’s worth questioning why all three of these videos are so compelling.

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