Category Teens
Scrutinizing the effects of digital technology on mental health
Amy Orben: To talk about smartphones affecting the brain is a slippery slope
[Book] Everyday Schooling in the Digital Age
Everyday Schooling in the Digital Age: High School, High Tech? By Neil Selwyn, Selena Nemorin, Scott Bulfin, Nicola F. Johnson Routledge 2018 – 224 pages [Amazon link] Today’s high schools are increasingly based around the use of digital technologies. Students…
[Report] How US youth navigate the news landscape
Yesterday, the New York research institute Data & Society released the report How Youth Navigate the News Landscape (download) that explores how young people use mobile devices, messaging apps, and social media to consume breaking news. Co-authors Mary Madden, Amanda…
[Book] The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age
The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age Sonia Livingstone and Julian Sefton-Green New York University Press May 2016, 368 pages > Read online for free Do today’s youth have more opportunities than their parents? As they build their…
New book series: Connected Youth and Digital Futures
Building on research supported by the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning initiative, New York University Press launches Connected Youth and Digital Futures, a new series that explores young people’s day-to-day lives and futures. This series offers books – available…
The generation that doesn’t remember life before smartphones
Jacqueline Detwiler explores for Esquire what it means to be an American teenager in 2015. Zac probably started developing memories around 1999, the year Napster upended the music industry by turning songs into sharable files that nobody owned. Or maybe…
New qualitative research on video consumption by UK youth
TV viewing (live, playback and Broadcaster VOD services) dominates the video viewing of all ages; however 16-24s have a more varied video diet, with TV accounting for two thirds of their total video viewing compared to the UK average of…
Design fiction personas illustrate possible impact of educational tech
People talk about the future of technology in education as though it’s right around the corner, but most of us get to that corner and see it disappearing around the next. This innovation-obsessed cycle continues as we are endlessly dissatisfied…
Consumer Insights: The Music Experience in 2014
Today, music is as emotionally relevant as ever – and consumers have a myriad of ways to experience it, from streaming and downloading to live concerts and more. Thanks to social media, fans also have unprecedented access to their favorite…
Ethnographic research: Facebook is basically dead and buried with UK teenagers
As part of a European Union-funded study on social media (make sure to check also the UCL site and blog on the same project), the Department of Anthropology at University College London is running nine simultaneous 15-month ethnographic studies in…
Teens in the digital age
Two talks on teens in the digital age: The App Generation: identity, intimacy and imagination in the digital era (video – 21:18) Talk at The RSA, London, UK – October 2, 2013 Today’s young people have grown up almost totally…
Book: The App Generation
The App Generation How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World Howard Gardner and Katie Davis Yale University Press October 2013, 256 pages [Yale University Press link – Amazon link] Abstract No one has failed to…
Technology puts power in the hands of the Millennial Generation
This week the Financial Times has run two reports on the Millennial Generation. Part Two (pdf) came out today, whereas Part One is from June 3. Part Two’s leading article is definitely worth exploring, particularly in how it connects technology…
A beautiful kids’ book that combines interactivity with good old-fashioned text
The Jörgits and the End of Winter, an indie fantasy novel for kids nine and up, uses interactivity as a supplement to the story, not a stand-in for it, and shows how interactivity can work in a slightly more substantial…
Teenage usability: designing teen-targeted websites
Recently published Nielsen/Norman Group research shows that teens are (over)confident in their web abilities, but they perform worse than adults. Lower reading levels, impatience, and undeveloped research skills reduce teens’ task success and require simple, relatable sites.
Recent studies on the impact of tablet use in schools – an overview
2012 One-to-one Tablets in Secondary Schools: An Evaluation Study (see also here and here) Dr Barbie Clarke and Siv Svanaes, Family Kids and Youth, UK, 2012 Research was carried out between September 2011 and July 2012 and included a literature…
Finally a serious research study on tablet use in schools
Although there are many tablet deployments in schools worldwide, there is a glaring lack of serious research on what actually happens in the classrooms with these devices. In fact, there is so far no aggregated evidence that tablet technology significantly…
How teens do research in the digital world
According to Pew Internet research, the teachers who instruct the most advanced American secondary school students render mixed verdicts about students’ research habits and the impact of technology on their studies. More in particular, they say that students’ digital literacy…