France Telecom Livebox
The International Herald Tribune reports that leading consumer technology companies “are revamping their audio and video equipment for a future centered around the Internet, a world in which televisions, stereos, computers – even kitchen appliances like dishwashers and refrigerators – can communicate with each other over a wireless home network.”

For consumers, the development of wireless home networks will require a shift in thinking, as the lines between computing, home entertainment and communications continue to blur.

“The main challenge in our business is consumer awareness,” said Hans van’t Riet, a senior director for Philips’s Streamium line of wireless audio components, which transmit music over home WLAN networks. “Research shows this is a great idea. We just have a marketing challenge.”

Well, that’s a dubious comment: people don’t buy it so it is a marketing challenge. Curious what research he is referring to.

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