Prototypes capturing new user experiences for bicycles

Back in May 2015, the Urban Futures team of the Future Cities Catapult (based in London, UK) completed a design research project around cycling.

This short project uses film to sketch out some possibilities of contemporary technologies such as wearables and Internet-of-Things, in order to imagine new user experiences for cyclists.

It’s covered in depth at Dezeen, the Design Catapult research blog, and now Dan Hill has published some background notes on his own blog, City of Sound:

“To some extent it’s an exercise in envisioning a possible future; albeit the future just around the corner. But the film attempts to locate that future in the everyday, to enable folks like transport infrastructure providers or technology companies to understand how they could work together to improve the ‘user experience’ of cycling. While suitably open, and non-prescriptive, it gives us a token to have those conversations with.”

The team was Claire Mookerjee (Project Lead, Urbanism) with design by Anastasia Vikhornova and film by Christian Schmeer, joined by Rebecca Jones (Technologist) from the Catapult’s Lab team with “a bit of input” from Dan Hill early on.