Reflecting on usability and user-centred design

UX Matters
Two new articles have been published on the UX Matters site:

Why don’t usability problems get fixed?
By Jim Ross
Why don’t usability problems get fixed? If we point out obvious usability problems and provide reasonable solutions for them, why doesn’t someone fix them? In this column, I’ll explore these questions and provide some tips to help ensure your recommendations get implemented.

Subject-matter experts: Putting users at the center of the design process
By Demetrius Madrigal and Bryan McClain
This month we’ll discuss the process of putting users at the center of the design process and what that means in regard to both design and product strategy. We’ll also discuss some different approaches to a user-centered design process that we’ve come across and outline their positives and negatives. Finally, we’ll outline the steps necessary to make user-centered design a reality and how to get the most out of a user-centered design process when working on different types of products.

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