Thomas Crampton on his transition from journalism to digital strategy

Thomas Crampton
Thomas Crampton, a former correspondent for the International Herald Tribune and the New York Times, was asked to address an OECD gathering in Paris about his transition from journalism to digital strategy, focusing on his experiences within a traditional media company and the way it dealt with the transition to digital.

Although he could not attend, he posted a 10 minute video on the role of the Internet and the way it is affecting journalism, that is highly recommended.

Crampton divides the Internet’s effect on the way he work into three distinct phases:
1. internal communications (1995-1999) – using the Internet to improve communications
2. research (2000-2004) – using the Internet as a way to find information
3. social media (2005-today) – changing the processes of the newsrooms entirely (due to a fundamental change in the role of the ‘audience’)

Interestingly, Crampton describes how especially the third change (which he calls “a revolution”) had the biggest impact on his professional life. He is now working for Ogilvy, running their social media strategy across Asia-Pacific.

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