Video material on experience design
This blog has one major defect: it is focused on text-based resources. Some searching on YouTube, Yahoo! Video and Google Video resulted in quite a lot of relevant video material. Here is a what I found:
- Donald A. Norman, 2006 Benjamin Franklin Medal (05:05)
- Marissa Mayer at Stanford University (49:25)
- Marissa Mayer on future video trends (16:46)
- Experience Prototyping (06:01)
- Interaction-Ivrea Applied Dreams presentation (31:17, poor sound)
- Philips Simplicity Event, April 2006, New York (02:21)
- Philips Research and Design at IFA 2006 (02:30)
- Jesse James Garrett on great user experiences (19:54)
- Child-centered learning in the Maldives (15:38)
- SenseTable – tangible interface (04:31)
I am only scratching the surface here. Frankly, we need a blog to catalogue experience design related materials on the web. I don’t have the time to do it. Anyone interested?