[Book] Aging and the Digital Life Course

Aging and the Digital Life Course
Edited by David Prendergast and Chiara Garattini
Series: Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations
Publisher: Berghahn Books (June 30, 2015)
Hardcover, 289 pages
Across the life course, new forms of community, ways of keeping in contact, and practices for engaging in work, healthcare, retail, learning and leisure are evolving rapidly. Breaking new ground in the study of technology and aging, this book examines how developments in smart phones, the internet, cloud computing, and online social networking are redefining experiences and expectations around growing older in the twenty-first century. Drawing on contributions from leading commentators and researchers across the world, this book explores key themes such as caregiving, the use of social media, robotics, chronic disease and dementia management, gaming, migration, and data inheritance, to name a few.
David Prendergast is a social anthropologist based at Intel Labs Europe and a Principal Investigator in the Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Sustainable Connected Cities with Imperial College and University College London. He also holds the position of Visiting Professor of Healthcare Innovation at Trinity College Dublin.
Chiara Garattini is an anthropologist working as part of the Health & Life Sciences group at Intel. Previously, she worked in the field of aging, technology, independent living and chronic illnesses as postdoctoral researcher and ethnography lead at the Technology Research for Independent Living Centre, University College Dublin.
Table of Contents (with free introduction)
Introduction: Critical Reflections on Ageing and Technology in the Twenty-First Century
Chiara Garattini and David Prendergast
Part I: Connections, Networks and Interactions
Chapter 1. Social Media and the Age-Friendly Community
Philip B. Stafford
Chapter 2. Exploring New Technologies through Playful Peer-to-Peer Engagement in Informal Learning
Josie Tetley, Caroline Holland, Verina Waights, Jonathan Hughes, Simon Holland and Stephanie Warren
Chapter 3. Older People and Constant Contact Media
Rachel S. Singh
Chapter 4. Beyond Determinism: Understanding Actual Use of Social Robots by Older People
Louis Neven and Christina Leeson
Part II: Health and Wellbeing
Chapter 5. Designing Technologies for Social Connection with Older People
Joseph Wherton, Paul Sugarhood, Rob Procter and Trisha Greenhalgh
Chapter 6. Avoiding the “Iceberg Effect”: Incorporating a Behavioural Change Approach to Technology Design in Chronic Illness
John Dinsmore
Chapter 7. Supporting a Good Life with Dementia
Arlene Astell
Chapter 8. Home Telehealth: Industry Enthusiasm, Health System Resistance and Community Expectations
Sarah Delaney and Claire Somerville
Chapter 9. Analysing Hands-on-Tech Care Work in Telecare Installations. Frictional Encounters with Gerontechnological Designs
Daniel Lòpez and Tomàs Sànchez-Criado
Part III: Life Course Transitions
Chapter 10. Caregiving in the Digital Era
Madelyn Iris and Rebecca Berman
Chapter 11. Digital Storytelling and the Transnational Retirement Networks of Older Japanese Adults
Mayumi Ono
Chapter 12. Digital Games in the Lives of Older Adults
Bob De Schutter, Julie A. Brown and Henk Herman Nap
Chapter 13. Digital Ownership across Lifespans
Wendy Moncur