Book: Designing services with innovative methods
Miettinen, Koivisto (eds.)
272 pages, colour illustration, soft cover, 2009
This book presents the emerging and increasingly important field of service design. Birgit Mager, Köln International School of Design and Service Design Network, Ezio Manzini, Politecnico di Milano, and Stefan Holmlid, University of Linköping, discuss how:
– Design thinking and innovative methods work as tools for co-creating services and desirable value propositions.
– Service design is a tool for designing a more sustainable society.
– Interaction design offers us insight into creating more user-oriented services.
Design practitioners Fran Samalionis from IDEO, Arne van Oosterom from DesignThinkers and Paul Thurston from thinkpublic share their service design thinking and the benefits of the service design process for both companies and for the public sector. Various service design case studies from different business areas and different cultural contexts are presented and described in detail, and this book opens the discussion on designers’ methods and approaches to developing services.
The book is published in co-ordination with Kuopio Academy of Design.
Read also this thoughtful review by Jeff Howard.