[Book] Made by Humans – The AI Condition

Made by Humans – The AI Condition
by Ellen Broad
Melbourne University Publishing
July 2018, 277 pages
[eBook link]
An Australian data expert challenges the idea of AI being better than humans
Who is designing AI? A select, narrow group. How is their world view shaping our future?
Artificial intelligence can be all too human: quick to judge, capable of error, vulnerable to bias. It’s made by humans, after all. Humans make decisions about the laws and standards, the tools, the ethics in this new world. Who benefits. Who gets hurt.
Made by Humans explores our role and responsibilities in automation. Roaming from Australia to the UK and the US, elite data expert Ellen Broad talks to world leaders in AI about what we need to do next. It is a personal, thought-provoking examination of humans as data and humans as the designers of systems that are meant to help us.
Ellen Broad is an independent consultant and expert in data sharing, open data and AI ethics. She has worked in technology policy and implementation in global roles, including as head of policy for Open Data Institute and as manager of digital projects and policy for the International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions. In Australia, she ran the Australian Digital Alliance.
Broad has provided independent advice on data and digital issues to governments, UN bodies and multinational tech companies. She has testified before committees of the European and Australian parliaments, written articles for New Scientist and The Guardian, spoken at SXSW and been a guest of ABC Radio National programs Big Ideas and Future Tense. Ellen designed a board game about data with ODI CEO Jeni Tennison that is currently being played in nineteen countries.