Book: Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction

Make It So – Interaction design lessons from science fiction
By Nathan Shedroff & Christopher Noessel
Rosenfeld Media
September 2012
ISBNs: paperback (1-933820-98-5); digital editions (1-933820-76-4)
Many designers enjoy the interfaces seen in science fiction films and television shows. Freed from the rigorous constraints of designing for real users, sci-fi production designers develop blue-sky interfaces that are inspiring, humorous, and even instructive. By carefully studying these “outsider” user interfaces, designers can derive lessons that make their real-world designs more cutting edge and successful.
Make It So shows:
- Sci-fi interfaces have been there (almost) from the beginning
- Sci-fi creates a shared design language that sets audience expectations
- If an interface works for an audience, there’s something there that will work for users
- Bad sci-fi interfaces can sometimes be the most inspiring
- There are ten “meta-lessons” spread across hundreds of examples
- You can use — and not just enjoy — sci-fi in your design work
- Read Wired review
- Enjoy the testimonials from people like Alan Cooper, The Bourne Identity’s Mark Coleran, and io9’s Annalee Newitz
- Check out 680 (!) amazing illustrations on Flickr