Event: Why the world needs anthropologists

An upcoming event is encouraging anthropologists to “come out of their ivory towers†and work more closely with their colleagues in the field, in order to bridge the gap between “pure†and “applied†anthropology.
The international symposium “Why the world needs anthropologists†(Facebook page) will be held on 5 December 2014 in Padua, Italy.
Experientia president Michele Visciola will be one of three speakers at the free symposium. He will reflect on the conference aim of erasing the boundaries between “pure” and “applied” anthropology, and presenting opportunities for establishing long-lasting cooperation between academics and practitioners.
According to the organizers, “contemporary demands give us no time to get stuck by internal tensions and divisions within the discipline – anthropologists need to come out of their ‘ivory towers’ and come to terms with the increasingly prominent economic, political and ecological challenges of our world.”
Other speakers are Antonio Luigi Palmisano, Professor of Social and Economic Anthropology at the University of Salento, and Rikke Ulk, CEO, Chief Anthropologist and founder of Antropologerne.