Ezio Manzini talk at the RSA (London)

Excerpt (above) – full replay

H​ow do we nurture conditions in which a diffuse creativity can flourish and evolve through collaborative organisations and, in so doing, realise meaningful steps towards a more resilient and sustainable society?
In his talk at the RSA (on 30 June), Ezio Manzini, author of Design when Everybody Designs (MIT Press, 2015), builds on the experiences of the DESIS Network (DESIS: design for social innovation towards sustainability) drawing a picture of what design experts can do to amplify and support the on-going flow of radical, bottom-up social innovation and a more resourceful social economy. He describes emerging forms of collaboration between design professionals and others, where new solutions are suggested and new meanings created. A new paradigm and practices emerge based on a more engaged, innovative and sustainable way of being in the world.
In the excerpt above, Professor Ezio Manzini explores how emerging forms of collaboration in design practice are driving radical, bottom-up social innovation.

The speaker
Ezio Manzini, a leading thinker in design for sustainability, founded DESIS, an international network on design for social innovation and sustainability. He is Honorary Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Chair Professor at University of the Arts London, and currently guest Professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, and Jiangnan University, Wuxi.