Free eBook: Six Circles – An Experience Design Framework

As technology has advanced, the importance of how humans interact with systems, machines, and each other, have also advanced into a fusion of disciplines, coalescing under the banner of “user experience.” And though “experience” is a vast and abstract notion that is highly contingent on the user, successful experiences in either service or product design are ultimately based upon solid design principles.
James Kelway started the ebook Six Circles – an Experience Design Framework, as an enquiry into how different design principles can be applied to the field of digital product design. The principles studied led to the emergence of six core themes — the “Six Circlesâ€; persuasion, behavior, visual design, usability, interaction and content.
Good products and services combine these themes into better experiences; they induce or entice users into engaging, and guide and assist them as they work through the experiences to reach their goals. Creating these experiences requires a holistic mindset and a multi-disciplinary approach.
The Six Circles framework is a way of judging the effectiveness of digital products in the marketplace, and also of putting any given design problem into a structured context to help examine and solve the problem.
The Six Circles – An Experience Design Framework eBook is available as a free download from UX Magazine’s resource section in two formats:
– as a PDF file
– as an eBook file (an eBook reader device or software is required)