From design fiction to experiential futures

In honor of its Ten-year Anniversary, the Association of Professional Futurists (yes, they exist!) launched its first publication, The Future of Futures.
Edited by Andrew Curry, the book (also available as ebook) is orrganized in sections of Past, Present, and Future, and contains essays and reviews by Tom Abeles, Marcus Barber, Peter Bishop, Christian Crews, Cindy Frewen, Tanja Hichert, Andy Hines, Oliver Markley, Jim Mathews, Riel Miller, Noah Raford, Wendy Schultz, Richard Slaughter, and Verne Wheelwright.
From Design Fiction to Experiential Futures is one of the book’s chapters, written by Noah Raford, and freely available on his website. It explores the role design fiction, experiential futures and visual media in foresight work, and includes several examples of good design fiction.
Thanks, but I’m a “he”. :-)
Readers may also be interested in the chapter on “crowdsourced futures” which I wrote for the same volume.
Crowdsourced Futures