From Experience to Identity–The New Paradigm
“A while back, I posted an item on “identity” as a new paradigm that could replace “experience” in our business culture. Academia, especially linguistics, has been talking about the shift from experience to identity for some time. The idea is that the concept of “experience” is passive. Currently we say you experience something, as in having a great consumer experience or a great hospital experience or a great gambling experience.
But life really isn’t like that. People are not passive–they make their own lives. People interract with their environments to create their distinct identities. Let me repeat that–people interract with their environments to create their own identities. This amounts to co-creating your own products and services.”
[…] Bruce Nussbaum ha sottolineato come la “esperienza” sia in realtà un concetto passivo che dovrebbe essere sostituito dal paradigma della “identità ”. Attraverso questa nuova concezione viene rivendicato il ruolo attivo del soggetto che in prima persona interagisce con l’ambiente per creare la propria identità . […]