How teachers in Africa are failed by mobile learning

Only projects that work with existing education systems will improve learning and cut poverty, says Niall Winters of the London Knowledge Lab at the University of London, and he argues for a user-centred approach (rather than a technology-centric one) that is focused on understanding teachers’ practice, co-designing interventions with them and providing them with training
“There is a vibrant Human-Computer Interaction for Development community that promotes user-centred approaches to technology design, use and evaluation. In my own work over the years, including in a current project for training community health workers in Kenya, we extensively use participatory approaches to help design and develop mobile learning interventions.
The idea that techno-centrism or even solely content-based solutions can address important educational challenges by themselves must be dropped. Research shows they can’t.
The path to success is clear: the risks of increasing the marginalisation of teachers — and by extension students — can only be ameliorated by understanding teachers’ practice, co-designing interventions with them and providing them with training.
Projects which work with existing educational systems, not against them, should have priority funding. Only then can mobile learning be seen to work for teachers, for their students and for the alleviation of poverty among those at the margins of society.”
Mobile learning has emerged as the next frontier in eLearning and the benefits involved are immense in nature. However, one of the most glaring issue in mlearning is how to ensure continuous learning and content delivery in an offline or limited connectivity environment. In my quest to find a solution for this, I came across a webinar on “Interactive eLearning in Low Internet Bandwidth Environments†which promises to present a solution that enables organizations to overcome issue of limited or no internet connectivity and offer anytime anywhere access to eLearning content. You can register Here: