Imagining the world after coronavirus, part 4

Art and culture after Covid-19
by Professor Justin O’Connor (University of South Australia)
Wake in Fright , 9 April 2020
This could be to the default factory settings of Business as Usual; it might brutally delete years of hard work in an unequal – now we have to pay for its austerity; or it might connect the return of the social state to the need for the systemic reforms exposed so brutally by C-19. Art and culture are there to help show us how another world is possible.
A service design reflection on the future | Part 1: Resilience and Adaptability
by Inge Keizer, Founder and Director of Service Design Days
LinkedIn, 8 April 2020
In light of our current public health situation, it is definitely the time for designers and innovators everywhere to connect and talk about a future horizon that might be different than we could have ever imagined. When the current corona pandemic is over, will it be business as usual, or will it have changed for good? What will we have learned? Where will this change be most noticeable? Human behaviour may shift into a new paradigm that may have a lasting impact on how we consume, behave and interact. As designers and innovators, how can we have a positive role in that?
This article contains a summary of the first Service Design Days live streaming panel discussion with panelists – Oscar Garcia-Pañella, Helen Job, Erik Roscam Abbing, Phillippa Rose and Joyce Yee – and participants, moderated by Niklas Mortensen.
Cinque domande sullo scenario futuro
Interviste con Walter Siti (scrittore), Matteo Meschiari (antropologo), Francesco Guala (economista)
DoppioZero, 8 Aprile 2020
Con queste cinque domande ci prefiggiamo di individuare i nodi che la crisi sanitaria del Covid-19 con le sue conseguenze ha provocato a livello mondiale, con l’idea che, come disse anni fa un economista americano, la crisi, per quanto terribile, un’occasione da non perdere.
The Post-Pandemic Urban Future Is Already Here
by Ian Klaus, senior fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
CityLab, 6 April 2020
The coronavirus crisis stands to dramatically reshape cities around the world. But the biggest revolutions in urban space may have begun before the pandemic.
Year of the Rat. The Strategic Consequences of the Coronavirus Crisis
by Bruno Tertrais, Deputy Director
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, 6 April 2020
For the time being, everyone finds in the crisis enough to confirm one’s certainties and fears, in the West as well as in the East, on the right as well as on the left. However, with the usual caveats, we can already glimpse some probable trends: the decline of globalization; the decline of populism, but the success of sovereignism and the revenge of borders; the return of public power; the advent of surveillance societies and the multiplication of isolationist behaviors; the risk of opportunistic political or military actions… And we can bet that no major pole of power will emerge from the crisis as a state or as a model.
What comes after the pandemic?
Full report in English, Italian and German – Manifesto in English and Dutch
by Filippo Barbera, Oriol Estela Barnet, David Bassens, Lavinia Bifulco, Andrew Bowman, Luca Calafati, Joselle Dagnes, Sarah de Boeck, Marta de la Cuesta, Joe Earle, Ewald Engelen. Jessica Ferm, Julie Froud, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal, Ian Rees Jones, John Law, Adam Leaver, Kevin Morgan, Stefano Neri, Andreas Novy, Leonhard Plank, Angelo Salento, Wolfgang Streeck, John Tomaney, Karel Williams
Foundational Economy Collective, March 2020
What comes after the immediate crisis is over? After the crisis, do we default back to the “same old, same old”; or can we make the case for a renewal of the foundational provision which has been neglected in the past generation. Before the crisis we developed and publicly supported the foundational economy concept; now foundational thinking is more relevant than ever to a liveable, sustainable and democratic future.
The Corona Effect: Four Future Scenarios
Whitepaper by the ZukunftsInstitut (The Future Institute)
15 March 2020, 10 pages
How will the pandemic change the way we live and do business?
The Zukunftsinstitut describes four possible scenarios of how the corona crisis can transform the world.
More than 145 readings tagged with “Future”
edited by Evgeny Morozov
The Politics of Covid-19 in The Syllabus