Interviewing Users book – Special offers for Putting People First readers

A few weeks ago, I announced Interviewing Users, the new book by Steve Portigal published by Rosenfeld Media. It is now available for purchase, both in print and in digital version.
Steve and his publisher provide Putting People First readers with two special offers:
- Giveaway: the first three people leaving a reply on this post why they would love to get a free copy of this book, will get a mail from me with the code for exactly that: a free paper copy!
- Discount: all others get something too: an exclusive 20% discount off the list price of the book — simply place your order through Rosenfeld Media and use the coupon code PPF2013 upon checkout.
Also note that Steve has posted a long excerpt from Chapter 2 “How to Uncover Compelling Insights” on Core77: . This part off the book sets up the overarching framework for successful interviewing: most experts have a set of best practices—tactics, really—that they follow. But what really makes them expert is that they have a set of operating principles. This ends up being more like a framework for how to be, rather than a list of what to do.
Grant McCracken meanwhile has posted his foreword to the book.
Thank you Louis, Mary and Steve.
I would love a copy of this book!
I’d really like a copy of the book, too!
A better understanding of other peoples’ worlds is always needed … Would love to have a copy!
Best regards /Markus
I do it all the time, but anyone who does this often can’t admit they’re as good at it as they’d like to be….
Tony Byrne
Hi Sebastian. You are number one. But I would still like a sentence on “why”.
Hi Stuart. You are number two. But also you need to provide me with a reason “why”.
Hi Markus. You are number three.
I should also say that the publication of this book is very timely for me. I’m beginning a brand new intranet project and user interviews will be a big part of the initial research for it. Looking forward to reading it either way.
Tony, you are number four in the group. Unless I don’t get any answers on the why from Sebastian and Stuart, you will have to do with a 20% discount I am afraid.
Since i read this post way too late, ill go and redeem the discount now.