CHI 2008
Luca Chittaro (blog) of Il Sole 24 Ore’s Novà just published his last three CHI 2008 interviews:

Talking cars
A collaboration between Toyota and Stanford University is experimenting a talking car interface that does much more than navigation, providing safety advice to drivers. Ing-Marie Jonsson is one of the authors of the paper that describes the experiment.

Vicki Hanson (IBM) received this week at CHI 2008 the Social Impact Award, for her 30-years work concerning people with disabilities (for example, deaf children, dyslexic kids, and more recently older adults).

GPS and the perception of the world
Is the widespread use of GPS changing how we perceive the world? A research group at Cornell University has studied GPS users to answer this question (and more). Chittaro discusses this with one of the authors (Gilly Leshed).

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