New toolkit to create digital government services

The UK’s Government Digital Service has launched a service toolkit that aims to be a one stop shop for service design resources (reports PublicTechnology).
The toolkit is a single page on GOV.UK that provides links to all the resources GDS thinks a government service designer will need. These include the GDS design principles and patterns, frontend code and style guide, as well as components like Notify, Verify and registers, which are open data sets that services can use.
There is also links to the standards that government services should meet, comprising the digital service standard, Technology Code of Practice and recently updated Service Manual.
In addition, designers can access the GDS performance platform, which allows designers to monitor their service, and the government’s online procurement platform the Digital Marketplace.
In a blogpost about the toolkit, GDS said that these resources had been chosen through user research that identified the high-level needs of people who design government services.