New Zealand’s policy methods toolbox

The Policy Methods Toolbox is a repository of policy development methods that helps policy practitioners identify and select the right approach for their policy initiative. It is developed by The Policy Project, a unit of New Zealand’s Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, aimed at building a high performing policy system that supports and enables good government decision making.
This first release of the Toolbox is focused on newer methods. Over time, the Toolbox will be expanded to include a range of new and traditional policy development techniques. The Daepartment’s own approaches, such as Start Right, are also be located in the Toolbox.
Start Right
Start Right is a lightweight approach to making the best start in policy projects. It is backed up by a growing list of tools to make your job easier in these early stages.
Behavioural insights
This involves the study of human behaviour, often drawing upon the empirical research in fields including economics, psychology and sociology.
Design thinking
Also known as human-centred design, co-design and participatory design.
Public participation
Engaging individuals and groups in the process of policy design and development, including the provision of information, consultation, collaboration and participatory decision-making.