Nudging behaviours in healthcare: insights from behavioural economics

‘Nudging’ behaviours in healthcare: insights from behavioural economics
Benjamin G. Voyer, London School of Economics
Article (Accepted version) (2015)
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21 (3). pp. 130-135
Since the creation of the Behavioural Insight Team (BIT) in 2010, the word “nudge” has become a popular one in social and public policy. According to policy makers and managers, applications of behavioural economics to public sector management results in increased policy efficiency and savings.
In the present article, we offer a critical perspective on the topic and discuss how the application of behavioural economics can foster innovative healthcare management. We first review behavioural economics principles, and show how these can be used in healthcare management.
Second, we discuss the methodological aspects of applying behavioural economics principles.
Finally, we discuss limitations and current issues within the field.