Peter Merholz speaking in Torino

Next Wednesday 8 June Peter Merholz will be speaking in Torino (Turin, Italy). The 9am morning talk will take place in the courtyard of the Circle of Design.
Peter Merholz has worked at the intersection of design, technology, and humans for over 25 years. He co-founded Adaptive Path, the premier user experience consultancy, acquired by Capital One in 2014.
Since leaving Adaptive Path, he’s worked as a design leader and executive, leading teams at Groupon, OpenTable, Capital One, and Kaiser Permanente. He co-wrote Org Design for Design Orgs, still the premier book on building in-house design teams. And this has led to current work, as an independent consulting helping companies scale their in-house design organizations. Clients include JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, The New York Times, Roblox, and Zendesk.
Mercoledì 8 giugno Peter Merholz parlerà a Torino. L’intervento, alle 9 del mattino, si svolgerà nel cortile del Circolo del Design.
Noto per aver inventato nel 1999 il termine “blog”, lavora a cavallo fra design, tecnologia e antropologia. Design leader, scrittore e co-fondatore di Adaptive Path, la prima società di consulenza di user experience.
Oggi lavora come consulente per diverse aziende come JP Morgan Chase e The New York Times.