Philips Design: From data to meaning for people

On October 22nd, 2012, Philips Design organized a special seminar and workshop to explore how businesses can innovate by translating ‘Big Data’ into value for people.
The internet is becoming ever more intertwined with our daily lives, even more so now that mobile platforms are blurring the dividing line between the online and physical worlds. Data now touches so many parts of our lives that our world is becoming a composite of digital and real. Data is pervasive, abundant and constantly changing how the world operates. Tapping into this wealth of Big Data has huge potential for data-enhanced businesses that are creative and capable of making data meaningful and relevant for people.
The global economic environment is uncertain. The business environment is undergoing massive changes wrought by the advent of digitization, and there is an urgent need for a faster, more responsive relationship between the enterprise and its consumers and partners. In a data-driven world, action and feedback between an enterprise, customers and consumers is fast and creates many choices in potential propositions. This ‘Virtuous Circle of Data‘ will enable enduring propositions that deliver personalized, meaningful value – more individually tailored and adapted to the ever-changing context of the consumer than has been possible before.
Philips Design has developed an understanding approach and models to working with data in the 21st century. These models are contemporary, actionable, informative and communicated using a workshop process fit for use now and tomorrow. This can help you to make the next step and innovate with big-data management and visualization – the investment call here is in creativity coupled with some understanding of the technology.
Participating speakers at the seminar were Pieter Hermans, CEO Jakajima; Sean Carney, Chief Design Officer, Royal Philips Electronics; Maarten den Braber, Quantified Self; Professor Yi-Ke Guo, Digital City Exchange (Imperial college London); Joris Maltha and Daniel Gross, Catalogtree; and Jeroen Tas, Chief Information Officer, Royal Philips Electronics.
Video 1 [59:27] / Video 2 [1:36:38]
(via InfoDesign)