Public Service Design guide

Public Service Design: A guide for the application of service design in public organisations
Authors: Annelies Thoelen (Co-Editor), Steven Cleeren (Co-Editor), Alain Denis, Koen Peters, Kristel Van Ael and Helga Willems
Published by The Spider Project, 2015

This guide aims to help employees in public organisations, civil servants, officers and policy-makers understand the scope of service design and its value for public service delivery. It guides civil servants in tendering, evaluating and managing service design, and shows the added value of design professionals when bringing their skills, knowledge and experience to the table. The publication aims to motivate officers to think about their own service delivery and give them sufficient skills and confidence to order service design and manage the process.

It was published by The Spider Project, (Supporting Public Service Innovation using Design in European Regions), a transnational project funded by the EU’s Interreg IVB programme, that aims to deliver innovative solutions to Europe’s toughest social challenges by engaging public services and citizens in an ambitious programme of service design projects.

Spider is a European Project of 9 partners: PDR (UK), Northern and Western Regional Assembly (Ireland), Partas (Ireland), Cardiff City Council (UK), Design Vlaanderen (Belgium), Vlaamse Vereniging voor Steden en Gemeenten (Belgium), Stadsbestuur Geel (Belgium), Maaslands Huis (Belgium), and Département de Seine-Maritime (France).