Re-designing (or redefining) UXD

Putting People First rarely plugs conferences (before they happen) but this one seems intriguing:
RE:DESIGN/UX Design will take place in Silicon Valley on April 29–30, 2013. The events are capped at 125 attendees and the focus is on small-scale, spirited, salon-style discussions with industry leaders and peers.
The theme for 2013 is “James Bond is an Experience Designer: What UXD Can Learn from How Others Thinkâ€
“As we hurtle into the future and the concept of “experiences†changes dramatically by the day, what it means to be an “experience designer†is changing, too. At RE:DESIGN/UXD we’ll dive in and see what we can learn about crafting the future of experience by thinking like a British spy, a journalist, a genome-code cracker and beyond.”
The speaker line, very much focused on interactive media and Silicon Valley type software companies, is impressive, with such greats as Peter Merholz, Eric Rodenbeck and Jeff DeVries.
I wonder if they will discuss the rich debate currently unrolling on the changing role of UX research, particularly in Silicon Valley.