Report: Booting up mobile health

Mobile health is emerging at the intersection of dynamic changes in mobility patterns, health care delivery, and new mobile technologies and networks. New technologies and the services they enable will be just one piece of a larger strategy for engaging consumers anywhere, anytime. Ultimately, mobile health will create more distributed health care systems that will move from an episodic to a continuous-care model, supported by decentralized, integrated care interwoven seamlessly into our daily lives, and driven by even more advanced smart systems that help us sense and understand our actions and environments.

Over the next decade, a bottom-up transformation of mobility will create a growing number of opportunities and dilemmas for the health care industry.

Booting Up Mobile Health: From Medical Mainframe to Distributed Intelligence, a new report by Institute for the Future, identifies the drivers shaping mobile health in the future, and forecasts new business and consumer practices that reorganize the health care system as we know it.

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