[Report] Consumers and the Climate Crisis: The Key to Unlocking Behavioral Change

Consumers and the Climate Crisis: The Key to Unlocking Behavioral Change
Consumers International
November 2021, 41 pages
Consumers are key to ensuring global action on climate change is successful. For the world to reach
net zero, consumers everywhere will have to make fundamental changes to how they travel, heat,
cool and power their homes, the food they eat and the products they buy. These changes will be
impossible without large-scale transformations in the marketplace and regulatory environment
which strengthen consumer rights and maintain consumer confidence. This document is a synthesis
of actions and ideas from our membership of over 200 consumer advocacy organisations, who
represent consumers in countries at different stages of economic development, but are united in
their view of consumer rights and responsibilities. This document is also an invitation to connect,
learn and build together with leaders from all stakeholder types who want a fair, safe and sustainable
marketplace for all consumers.
[Consumers International is the membership organisation for consumer groups around the world.]