Solving health care problems through design methodology

Stephen Klasko (an MD with an MBA, CEO of Jefferson Health System and Thomas Jefferson University) and Bon Ku (MD, a professor of emergency medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital) joined the Knowledge@Wharton show on Wharton Business Radio to talk about why design is so important to health care’s future, and the unabashedly cool ways they intend to harness to force the medical profession to evolve.
It’s really easy to blame patients, and especially those patients who are super-utilizers of the health care system. But when you do a human-centered approach, you really want to put yourself in the shoes of the patient, and think, “Why am I continually using emergency care services? What is it about my social situation or my lifestyle that keeps me coming back to the emergency department? So instead of blaming the patient, we really try to look at what it looks like through the patient’s eyes.