Two reports on age-friendly banking

Age-friendly banking: What it is and how you do it
Age UK
30 April 2016
The new report showcases examples of good practice which, if rolled out more widely, could revolutionise the way in which the banks interact with older people and transform their customers’ experience for the better. It calls for all banks and building societies to move faster and work harder to respond to the needs of our ageing society.
> Press release
A New Dawn: Age-Friendly Banking
National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)
October 2013
The report provides an overview of the current economic vulnerability of older adults and proposes a core set of age-friendly banking principles.
In a criticism of the UK report, Dick Stroud writes that he “wishes there was more attention given to how banks are responding to the physiological changes taking place to so many of their customers.” The report, he says, “has some mention of this but you get the feeling that it comes a long way down the list of priorities.”