Unilever’s five levers to sustainable behaviour change

Five levers to change
Five Levers for Change: inspiring consumers to adopt sustainable behaviour is fundamental to achieving Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan.

Unilever’s Five Levers for Change is a coherent set of principles, which, if applied consistently to behaviour change interventions, will increase the likelihood of having a lasting impact. The Five Levers are: make it understood, make it easy, make it desirable, make it rewarding and make it a habit.

A huge part of our environmental impacts come from how people use our products; two thirds of the greenhouse gas impacts across the lifecycle and about half of our water footprint is associated with consumer use. So inspiring consumers to adopt new sustainable products and behaviours is fundamental to achieving the goals set out in the Unilever Sustainability Living Plan.

Related links:
Encouraging behaviour change
Unilever Sustainable Living Plan
Inspiring Sustainable Living: Expert Insights into Consumer Behaviour & Unilever’s Five Levers for Change (November 2011) (2.4 MB)

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