Upcoming conferences on intelligent environments

Two upcoming conferences are exploring some of the implications that widely distributed technologies in our living environments (also called ambient intelligence, intelligent environments or ubiquitous computing) might have for people and the way we live.

International Symposium on Intelligent Environments: Improving the quality of life in a changing world
Cambridge, UK, 5-7 April 2006
The symposium, organised by the Intelligent Environments Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, will bring together top researchers from a variety of disciplines, including artists, philosophers, computer scientists, designers and sociologists, to discuss and debate how intelligent environments can contribute to improving the quality of everyday life.
Official site

Second International Conference on Intelligent Environments
Athens, Greece, 5-6 July 2006
On the road to the realization of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) vision, physical space becomes augmented with computation, communication and digital content, thus transcending the limits of direct human perception. An Intelligent Environment consists of a set of technologies, infrastructures, applications and services operating seamlessly across physical environments (e.g. neighbourhood, home, car), thus spanning all the different spheres of everyday life. Their inhabitants, humans and agents, will carry out tasks, most of which will be very similar to those that we do today, only their activities will be very different. The introduction of ICT and its applications in order to support these activities (and improve the efficiency of tasks) will change many of their parameters and properties, especially those related to space and time.
The conference features a number of special sessions (sometimes with rather unique titles), focusing on smart home environments, ambient networks, end-user support, crisis and modernity, interacting with ambient intelligence, metapolis, communities and the self, mobile computing and spoken language dialogue systems.
Official site

All relevant conferences and events can be found in the (shared) experience design calendar, which today contains 42 upcoming events.

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