UX methodologies for pharmaceutical companies

PMLiVE, the news site for the pharmaceutical industry, is quite outspoken on the need for UX and customer experience methodologies in the pharmaceutical industry. Here are some recent posts:
A five-step plan for patient-centred digital communications
Letizia Affinito and John Mack – 19 February 2016
Pharmaceutical companies can no longer just sell pills, but must become partners with healthcare providers and patients; ie, they must go ‘beyond the pill’ (which is often a mere buzzword these days). Pharmaceutical companies need to reshape their relationship with the people they serve. They need to provide solutions, not just pills, and increasingly this will mean delivering holistic services and systems of care capable of adding real value.
Truly, madly, cheaply – The ongoing rhetoric of patient-centricity
Chris Ross – 17 February 2016
Companies genuinely believe they put patients first. Yet by maintaining traditional approaches to commercialisation, many appear configured to put wealth ahead of health.
Why are doctors frustrated with the digitalisation of healthcare?
Anna Tamasi – 17 February 2016
This article highlights the most common usability and user experience implications that the digitalisation of healthcare poses on doctors professional lives.
It’s behind you!
Chris Ross – 15 February 2016
UX and customer experience methodologies are now a major requirement as pharma companies strive to ensure their products and services are patient-centred. It goes way beyond developing patient support programmes – it’s about thinking and operating completely differently. The best partners will create patient personas that acknowledge individual drivers and lifestyles, so that applications can be modelled around users as well as balancing with business’ goals.