Why serious UX research agencies (or their clients) can’t use AI-based service platforms

We conducted a quick, initial analysis of six AI-based service platforms for hosting and analysing UX research: HeyMarvin, Lookback, AddMaple, Reveal, Outset, and Voicepanel.
It brought up more questions than answers.
They all offer similar services (rapid discovery and analysis of your interviews, as long as you upload your data “somewhere”).
Marvin, Lookback, Outset, and Voicepanel are based in California (although location is always hidden somewhere in their privacy policies, at best). AddMaple and Reveal do not disclose their location, yet we found out that AddMaple is actually based in the UK and Reveal in Virginia, at least according to the phone number they listed on LinkedIn).
Most do not disclose what AI systems they use to provide their services. And if they do, they use OpenAI.
Many have privacy policies that are about the data they collect about your company, not about the data provided by your company. Some claim to be GDPR compliant. Most don’t bother.
Most do not disclose what service providers they share your data with. If they do, there are many (up to 30).
Some privacy policies are extremely short (AddMaple and Voicepanel), or very wordy and “legalese” but not providing much insight on what actually happens to your clients’ data.
None explicitly position themselves as privacy-first.
In short, it is more than obvious that serious UX research agencies can’t use them, as doing so would immediately imply that you are in breach of NDA’s and client confidentiality contracts.
|s there some serious analysis of AI-based service platforms targeted at hosting and analysing UX research?