Putting People First poll

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About 2,500 people read Putting People First every day, 1,500 of which via rss and e-mail.

But dear readers, I know very little about you. Who are you? What do you like about PPF and what not? What would you like to see changed? What would you like more of or less of? Feel free to share anything else.

Use the comments section (you need to register first) or drop me an email at info at experientia dot com.

I am particularly looking forward to get some feedback from those of you who have never been in touch with me yet.



  1. Howdy. I love PPF and read it every day. I come from a web, tech, products background so I’m most fascinated by your web centric posts, but I also enjoy your posts from other areas of UE as they keep me thinking and up to date.

    Bit of personal background: I’m an interaction designer and user experience consultant, currently working in Zürich for LBI Framfab and looking for new work in the States.

  2. I read your post whenever there is one. And I think I have commented once or twice on certain topics.

    I used to be in the wireless telco area. Due to my background in training and managing different nationalities, HR development become my main interest.

    I think technology is great, but we should pay a lot more attention to human first (that’s why PPF interest me). No matter how great your invention is, if no one knows how to use it or afford to use it etc., what use is your great invention?

    Tools should be simple to use for the AVERAGE citizen. Think KNIFE or Scissor, screw-dirver, hammer! Simple but effective.

    What I also find lacking in many inventions is a little care towards language barrier. It is a complicated issue to just write two lines on, but just one simple example … why pay millions on invention but little in explaining how to use the tool in ‘decent’ translations? Select a few main streams langauges and GIVE, good, clear, concise instructions.

    What would be interesting, not sure if it is feasible, survey on inventions.


  3. I started reading your blog a couple of months ago. At my company I’m the only person (in a development team of 10 people) with a user-centered approach. This gets kind of lonely sometimes, so I really enjoy reading about what goes on other places. In particular, the posts with interesting research from academia and commercial research centers are a great source of inspiration.


  4. Non ho grosse critiche da muovervi. Vi leggo ogni giorno tramite feed. Siccome sono abbastanza pigro mi concentro sopratutto sul riassunto settimanale in italiano che mi piace molto perchè:
    Р̬ conciso
    – mi fa sentire parte di un gruppo (gli italiani)
    – è più facile da leggere (benchè l’inglese lo si conosca, la lettura di testi italiani risulta più facile).

    Quello che quindi mi piacerebbe che il blog avesse come direzione potrebbe essere qualche notizia sui lavori che state portando avanti (magari svelando metodologie o aiutando ad imparare dalla vostra esperienza) e qualche focus sull’HCI in Italia (progetti, offerte di lavoro, master, momenti di formazione..).

    Grazie e buon lavoro!
    (p.s. mi aspetto qualche commento ad un medesimo post che ho fatto sul mio blog!!!!)

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