Two-thirds of Brits use just 4 functions on their phones [Cellular News]

Brit texting
Over half (53%) of Brits feel that modern technology has now become too complicated and could turn their back on technology, according to the latest report from PayPal, as covered in Cellular News.

The age old problem of setting a video recorder still exists for one in three Brits, even though they have been in the mainstream for 27 years.

DVDs offer a more complex challenge with four in five (77%) not feeling confident to set one to record.

Also, mobile phones are now ubiquitous, yet many remain baffled by their features. The majority, almost two thirds (61%), use only four features on their mobile phone – calls, text messages, alarm clock and camera – while two fifths don’t even know if their mobile phone has a camera function.

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One comment

  1. It shows that it is probably not good that most product development is focusing on technological issues. Personally I think it is far more important to focus on cultural values which probably better attracts people and at the same time makes a difference. Design can answer the important question WHAT. What kind of demand will a certain product create, what kind of problem is it solve? Technology will only answer the question HOW. How do we deliver this solution?

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