Co-creation’s five guiding principles

Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based management strategy consulting firm, has published a short (6-page) paper on co-creation, in which they argue that there are four types of co-creation and five guiding principles to any successful Co-creation venture:

The four types of co-creation

  • Club of experts: A very specific challenge is needing expertise and breakthrough ideas. Contributors are found through a selection process. Quality of input is what counts (e.g. Nokia)
  • Crowd of people: Also known as Crowdsourcing. For any given challenge, there might be a person out there having a genial idea that should be given a podium. It’s the Rule of the big numbers (e.g.Threadless)
  • Coalition of parties: In complex situations parties team up to share ideas and investments. Technical breakthroughs and standards often happen when multiple parties collaborate (e.g. IBM)
  • Community of kindred spirits: When developing something for the greater good, a group of people with similar interests and goals can come together and create (e.g. Linux)

The five guiding principles in co-creation

  • Inspire participation: Trigger people to join your challenge: open up and show what’s in it for them (e.g. P&G Connect & Develop)
  • Select the very best: You need the best ideas and the best people to deal with today’s complex issues (e.g. Innocentive)
  • Connect creative minds: You have to enable bright people to build on each others ideas, both on- and off-line (e.g. Lego)
  • Share results: Giving back to people – and finding the right way to do it – is crucial (e.g. Apple iPhone App store)
  • Continue development: Co-creation is a longer-term engagement, in- and outside your company. Only then it will deliver results (e.g. Dell Ideastorm)

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  2. Hi!
    I would like to download this white paper. However, the link is not working. I hope this can be solved soon. Thank you. Regards,Marta

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