Creativity and innovation for public authorities

The UK Design Council provides some interesting case studies of what creativity and innovation can do to public procurement and regional and local authorities.

Borough of Tower Hamlets – Idea Store
Libraries in the London borough of Tower Hamlets were unused and unloved until the Idea Store trebled usage with seven-day opening, a cafe and more.

Lambeth Borough Council – Council Tax Bill
A redesign of its Council Tax bill has triggered a huge increase in payments for the London borough of Lambeth.

National Savings and Investments
When National Savings and Investments re-lauched themselves using design consultancy Lloyd Northover, the results of the website re-design far exceeded expectations.

NHS Clean Your Hands campaign
The UK National Health Service Patient Safety Agency is trying to reduce the so-called Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI), which leads to 5000 deaths a year and costs the NHS £1billion.

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