Expereal, free iPhone app, based on Daniel Kahneman’s book ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’

Expereal is a free iPhone app developed to help people better understand themselves, to feel even more connected to the world, and to, hopefully, make more informed decisions about their lives. The marketplace has social media platforms, physical measurement products and mood apps and sites, but nothing that simply helps answer the question: “How’s my life going now compared to other time periods (and people and places)… and WHY?” A useful personal life quality tool.
The app was inspired by Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow, specifically his discussion of the Experiencing and Remembering Selves. Kahneman describes that as we recall past events – whether past relationships, jobs or vacations — we typically remember their totality in how they ended, NOT how we actually experienced them, regardless of their duration. Interestingly, this cognitive bias also impacts how we think about our lives in the present. For example, if someone asks how our lives are going right after a great date or incredible meal, our response tends to be positive. It’s difficult to counterbalance this “peak end bias” to view our lives more holistically. Expereal aims to help us in this endeavor, simply and beautifully, by essentially allowing us to remember our “experiencing selvesâ€.