Experientia speaks at EFUS webinar on insecurity at night

On 24 November Elena Guidorzi, research unit coordinator of Experientia, will speak at the EFUS web conference entitled “Reducing and preventing the feeling of insecurity at night“. The free event (14:00 to 15:30) will seek to explore how to understand the feeling of insecurity at night and provide innovative solutions and practices to mitigate it. It is organized by EFUS, the European Forum for Urban Security.
The use of the city changes during night time: the needs and demands of citizens are not the same as during the day thus, the issues and possible responses should reflect these differences. At night, the usual points of reference disappear; citizens experience an increased sense of uncertainty and anxiety that feeds a specific feeling of insecurity which is only partially the result of a real threat of crime. Feelings of insecurity, especially at night, are of importance for their impact on the individual and collective well-being as well as for its economic and political consequences. Understanding which factors – for instance, personal victimisation experiences or awareness of crime as a societal issue – affect different groups’ perceptions of security helps untangle fear of crime from other emotional reactions such as situational anxiety, shock, anger or distress.
Elena will speak in particular about her experience coordinating the ToNite project (tonite.eu), an EU-funded urban renewal project which aims to develop multidisciplinary solutions to manage public spaces and improve residents’ perception of security at night-time along the Dora River of Turin, Italy.
Besides Elena Guidorzi, there will be interventions by Randy Bloeme, DSP Groep, and by Aušra Pocien? & Aleksandras Dobryninas of Vilnius University.