Gestural interaction with data
The Ericsson UX Lab has been prototyping and testing gestural interaction solutions with data:
“This spring we worked on how to visualise and interact with data. One issue that we focused a bit more on is that of interacting with a material indirectly, such as when you present data as a projection on a wall and want to interact with it. There are of course touch sensitive surfaces to project onto (or through), but we focused on a passive surface only acting as a screen. This lead us to start investigating more physical ways of interacting with the presentation in question.
During recent years we have seen a fantastic development when it comes to sensor technologies of all kinds, ranging from grass root DIY solutions such as Phidgets and Arduino to commercial products such as Microsoft Kinect. We decided to investigate two interaction solutions – One based on the Kinect and the other on a Phidget distance meter. These trials were done rather quickly and with the only aim to get a better understanding of what these technologies could provide us with and to reflect upon the possibilities they could bring to our future work.”