How the Kenyan Base of the Pyramid uses their mobile phone

In order to understand mobile phone usage at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) in Kenya, iHub Research and Research Solutions Africa conducted a 6-month study, funded by infoDev (World Bank).
A total of 796 face-to-face interviews were conducted along with 178 diaries, 9 interviews with Kenyan developers, 12 focus group discussions (FGDs), and 10 interviews with key stakeholders in the industry. The full report will be released to the public in November 2012.
The following were key findings from the study:
– 16% of Kenyans at the BoP use Internet on their mobile phone
– Low awareness of other existing mobile applications
– Health and education Information most desired
– 1 in 5 forgo an expenditure to buy credit
– Calling, SMS, Mobile Money Transfer are the major uses
– No difference in mobile phone usage between men and women other than mobile Internet usage, which is dominated by educated male youth
– Higher likelihood of technology usage by those educated past primary level