Jakob Nielsen on getting more users to contribute

90-9-1 rule
A few months ago I wrote about a Guardian article indicating that “if you get a group of 100 people online then one will create content, 10 will ‘interact’ with it (commenting or offering improvements) and the other 89 will just view it.”

Now Jakob Nielsen is looking at this phenomenon which he calls the “90-9-1 rule” and adds some interesting data (from Technorati, Wikipedia and Amazon). Reflecting on how the unrepresentativeness of contributions can cause problems, he suggests five ways to make participation a little less unequal:

  • Make it easier to contribute;
  • Make participation a side effect of something else they’re doing (e.g. buying);
  • Have users modify something, rather than create it from scratch;
  • Reward — but don’t over-reward — participants;
  • Promote quality contributors and contributions.

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  1. […] Qualche tempo fa un articolo su Guardian ha evidenziato che esiste un forte squilibrio nell’utilizzo del web, per cui su 100 persone, 1 sola crea contenuti, solo 10 interagiscono con questi e i rimanenti si limitano alla fruizione. Jacob Nielsen ha individuato cinque modi per aumentare il coinvolgimento degli utenti nella creazione di contenuti su Web. […]

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