Nestor’s World, a Belgian social design tool

The full service design agency Pars Pro Toto in Ghent, Belgium built the “Wereld van Nestor” [Nestor’s World], a social design tool meant to help local governments in Flanders create a better world for their elderly citizens.
The tool is built on 10 personas and their experience with eight different topics. These eight topics – housing, mobility, public spaces and the built environment, social participation, respect and social engagement, active participation and employment, communication and information, public and health services – are areas where local government can make a real difference for their elderly citizens. They are based on the WHO report Global age-friendly cities.
Local governments can now construe their senior citizen plans based on the relevance and impact of their planned services on one or more of these personas.
The project came about through a collaboration with the Social Welfare Agency of the City of Ghent, and with the support of Design Flanders. The research that it was based on is not very clearly described, but the site mentions interviews and workshops.
For now the tool only exists in Dutch (and the socio-cultural context is also distinctively Flemish), but if you have any special questions, please contact Johan Bonner ([email protected]) on +32 (0)9/244.62.20.