New European study on e-Government initiatives

The latest eGovernment benchmark report of the European Commission shows significant improvement on cross-border availability of digital public services and accessibility of public websites from mobile devices in EU Member states. The study also indicates a need for improvement in transparency of public services delivery and use of supporting technology like eIDs or eDocuments.
Performance is measured as an average of scores for four top-level benchmarks, covering important EU policy priorities:
- User Centricity – indicates the extent to which a service or information concerning the service is provided online.
- Transparency – indicates the extent to which governments are transparent with regard to a) the process of service delivery; b) their own responsibilities and performance; c) the personal data involved.
- Cross Border Mobility – indicates the extent to which customers of public services users can use online services in another European country.
- Key enablers – indicates the extent to which technical pre-conditions for eGovernment service provision are used.
Europe appears to be getting closer to the 100%-landmark with regard to user-centricity. However, it scores less well on the other three benchmarks, especially in terms of exploiting the potential of Key Enablers for public services.
Experientia is proud to collaborate with the Digital Transformation Team of the Italian Government, particularly on the topic of “SPID“, the eID authentication system that provides citizens with secure access to digital public services, applying participatory and service design approaches to increase its uptake by citizens and public services. SPID is mentioned in the European Commission’s eGovernment benchmark report as a good practice (fact sheet on page 158), along with other services that the Digital Transformation Team is working on:
- PagoPA, a unique node to make payments to public administrations through which citizens can pay taxes, university tuition fees, school meals, fnes, etc. (page 159)
- ANPR, a single national population registry designed to combine the demographic data of all Italian residents, including those living abroad. (page 160)
- Developers Italia and Designers Italia, the open community platforms created to support the public administration in developing digital services leveraging on the open communities of developers and designers and on the open source paradigm. (page 161)
- Three Year Plan for the Digital Transformation of the Public Administration, a strategic document that guides and supports the entire Public Administration in an organic and coherent process of digital transformation. (page 162)