New Masters in Interaction Design in Italy

Gillian Crampton Smith (among others former director of the legendary Interaction Design Institute Ivrea) and Philip Tabor (among others fomer director of the Bartlett School of Architecture) will direct a new Master in Interaction Design (MIxD) in the Veneto Region of Italy.
The MIxD will be a 2-year course – starting in October 2017 – for aspiring designers wishing to work in the digital field with startups and corporations. It is organised by the educational division (H-Campus) of H-Farm, an Italian venture fund and incubator.
To kick it all of, H-Farm will host 20 worldwide experts in Interaction Design to participate in a private workshop and to listen to their “Design Stories”. Among them are Allan Chochinov, Matt Cottam, Lavrans Løvlie, Heather Martin, Fabio Sergio and Experientia’s creative director Jan-Christoph Zoels.