Videos online of “Humanizing technology through design” conference

Last month Putting People First announced the upcoming conference on design & sustainable innovation for smart cities in Nice France. Meanwhile we are pleased to announce the full event agenda (see below). This event will feature professionals from leading research…
Invitation to the International Conference on Design & Sustainable Innovation for SmartCities Nice (France) 8 December 2016 On the 8th December 2016, the CITYOPT project will host an international conference on Design and sustainable innovation for SmartCities, at the Centre…
Gillian Crampton Smith (among others former director of the legendary Interaction Design Institute Ivrea) and Philip Tabor (among others fomer director of the Bartlett School of Architecture) will direct a new Master in Interaction Design (MIxD) in the Veneto Region…
Jan-Christoph Zoels, one of Experientia’s founding partners and our creative director, is going to be a lot in Milan next week. Aside from his participation on Monday 8 April at the IxDA organized “The Long View of Interaction Design,” he…
Experientia’s partner in charge of user research, Michele Visciola, will be one of the speakers at the EPIC Europe one-day meeting at the Elisava Design School in Barcelona next week, on 11 May 2012. The European meeting is the first…
On Thursday 3 February, Experientia senior partner in charge of user experience design, Jan-Christoph Zoels, will speak at the TouchHouse. Smart living – Communicating surfaces workshop at the Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB). The opportunity mapping workshop, part of the…
Written by Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels. Interaction10 is over. Four days of presentations, workshops, games, installations stimulated vivid exchanges of ideas and reflections on the changing landscape of interaction design. Hosted in beautiful downtown Savannah by the international Interaction Design…
Check out Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels’s superb appearance on CNN’s Christiane Amanpour show yesterday… vividly describing how as an opposition member, he was among the first East Germans to cross into West Berlin for the first time when the Germans…
On Friday 13 (!) November, Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels will be one of the speakers at Visualizar’09, an international seminar on public data visualisation, organised by Medialab-Prado in Madrid, Spain. The conference and workshop will be led by Ben Cerveny…
On 6 November Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels will be speaking at the IxD Fall Summit 2009 organised by the Umeå Institute of Design. Other speakers are German Leon (Vodafone User Experience, Germany), David Rose (Vitality, USA), Karsten Schmidt (PostSpectacular, UK),…
Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels was one of the speakers at London’s Media Futures Conference last week, which was themed “beyond broadcast” and explored the future of media. Willem Boijens (Vodafone) and Jan-Christoph Zoels (Experientia) presented Lifestream, a research project that…
Interactive Screen 0.9: The Makers (10 to 15 August 2009) is the 14th installment of the Banff New Media Institute’s acclaimed new media summit, where media makers from Canada and the world gather to reflect on the current state of…
The other Experientia workshop at LIFT was Lifestream – Visualizing my data. The workshop, which was completely packed, was run by Willem Boijens, Vodafone, and my business partner Jan-Christoph Zoels, Experientia, and set out to explore large quantity information visualization.…
Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels is currently in Ahmedabad, India, for a client project. But he found time for an informal talk at the highly acclaimed National Institute of Design, scheduled for Wednesday 11 February at 17:15. “Join us for the…