Proceedings of EU workshop on digital inclusion and participation

The Workshop on Digital Inclusion and Participation in Brussels on 23 September 2005 aimed at setting the scene for the EU’s i2010 ambitions: an inclusive information society that provides high quality public services and promotes quality of life. It involved representatives from civil society, industry, academia, EU Member States and the EU Commission.

The proceedings are now available online.

Download presentations

(The i2010 website, developed by the EU directorate general for Information Society and Media to promote inclusion, is unfortunately just about the opposite of accessibility and inclusivity. Why can’t the EU not learn lessons from the failed referendums this year? Why not communicate in a language that is people-centred rather than presenting a homepage where the introduction is in a series of downloads and the rest of the text is focused on a mysterious “Communication” which the EU has prepared? The EU vice-president Margot Wallstrom, who is since last year responsible for institutional relations and communications, should perhaps develop some basic EU communications standards. They are urgently needed.)

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